Friday, September 24, 2010

Hello! Housekeeping!

Greetings brothers and sisters in the name of Christ Jesus!

"I write so that you will know how one ought to conduct himself in the household of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and support of the truth" (1Tim 3:14).

"Hello, house keeping." I heard these words almost every morning when I attended college in my youth. They were there to empty the trash can. Sad to say, the neatest thing in my dorm room at the time was the trash can. You would think watching house keeping do there job day in and day out would have some effect on my cleaning habits, but it didn't. I remember the first time my wife- to- be, walked into the house I was renting and asked the silliest question, where is the sink? It was right in front of her, somewhere, buried under the clutter. Before you get the impression that I didn't have any training in house cleaning when I was a child, let me be clear. I was shown how to clean, I was expected to clean, and with firm guidance I did keep my room clean. It's when I got on my own, out from under supervision that I became careless and untidy.
Today, I like to keep things clean. But even with the desire for tidiness there are times the cleaning gets away from me. I'm reminded of this fact during the moments something falls out of my car when I attempt to get in. It's during these moments, while cleaning the neglected mess, two questions come to mind. How did things get so dirty, and how long have they been this way? Both of these questions reflect on my negligence and even though I've tried different methods in the past to keep things clean and organized it wasn't until I realized I had to change my habits that anything happened.

The process of asking God to change my habits brought two questions to mind as He revealed what was inside my heart. How did I get so dirty, and how long have I been this way? God brought into my life people who were disciplined, organized and unwavering. As I studied their habits I noticed their lives were surrounded with others who shared the same values and practiced the same disciplines. They watched out for one another with love and devotion. Rebuking one another wasn't frequent but it was exercised without hesitation and with a tremendous renewing of each other's spirit. Do you follow? We are human and we will do things wrong, it is wonderful to have people around who care about our souls and will point out practices that will separate us from God.

Church life, worshiping the Father, fellowshipping with the body, praying for each other and staying in God's Word will help us keep His house in order. But what will really be pleasing to the Father is that we practice these spiritual disciplines with an attitude of joy and sincere love for Him and all that is His. Let's always worship God in a manner that is suitable to the King of Kings!

Christ's peace be with you,


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